The 5th Biennial PCIA Forum will take place at the El Pueblo Conference Center in the outskirts of Lima, Peru, February 21-26th, 2011. It will gather together over 300 of the world’s leading household energy and health experts for five days of dynamic workshops, technical presentations and case studies from successful programs around the world. The Forum, which will begin on Tuesday, February 22nd; will be preceded by a one-day kickoff event in downtown Lima on Monday February 21st as part of the “Half-million Stoves for a Smokeless Peru” campaign.
PCIA Forums rotate between Latin America (LAC), Africa and Asia; the last two Forums were in Uganda and India. The Peru venue will allow LAC Partners to access the Forum more easily, and will allow non-LAC Partners to learn firsthand about the work that’s happening in the Western Hemisphere related to indoor air pollution, and fuel use reduction technologies. The forum is being organized in collaboration with GTZ-Peru.
Discussions on improving cookstove efficiency, manufacturing clean technologies and fuel and visits to stove projects sites will form the core at the forum. The seminar will also discuss accessing carbon finance and planning for the future.
The forum will begin with an analysis on the “Half-million Stoves for a Smokeless Peru” campaign, which began in June 2009 and will last through December 2011. The campaign’s goal is to contribute to an improved quality of life for Peruvian families through the installation of certified improved stoves in half a million households, and to create development opportunities for communities.
The inaugural event will present results to date (for certification and installation of improved stoves) and advances in the policy framework among other topics. The forum will provide insights on the happening related to indoor air pollution and reduction techniques on fuel use. The participants will be able to light stoves to see its working and there will be film screenings on PCIA Partner activities and results as well as poster exhibitions.
All the Questions Answered on the 2011 PCIA Forum