Monday, January 3, 2011

Uganda Stoves Project Saving Money, Creating Jobs

Climate Care's Uganda Stoves Project which provides efficient wood burning stoves to families and institutions in Kampala is currently distributing both an improved fuel-efficient residential wood stoves and an improved fuel-efficient institutional wood stove.

The project aims to install 20,000 stoves every year initially, with the hope of in the initial years, with the intent of increasing sales in later years. Each stove will have an average life of 3 years.

The stoves have increased family incomes due to reduced expenditure on wood fuel as well improved general health of the family due to reduction in toxic fumes. According to Climate Change, reduced deforestation in Uganda is the biggest environmental benefit from the project.

The project will assist in building a better economic base for the country with improvements in local technological and business capability as well as new employment opportunities, says Climate Care.

Kiwa, the Inventory Manager at Uganda Stove Manufacturers Ltd, where the efficient stoves are made, says, “The people living in this area of Kampala are very poor. The stove factory has brought a lot of employment to the area and now employs 56 people, mostly residents of the local parish.”

Carbon financing is also helping sustain such enterprises and also provide good living conditions to the local inhabitants. David Mukisa, who heads the Uganda Improved Cooking project in Kampala explains how carbon finance through the voluntary market has helped the project, “I think that this project is a really good example of a success story of the voluntary carbon market mechanism. In the first year of our improved cooking stove project here in Kampala we did not have access to carbon finance and the business model proved to be unsustainable, with just 3,000 stoves sold in the first 9 months."

Grace, a local resident who uses an efficient cookstove says,“I feel happy with it. It functions well and lasts a lot longer than the traditional stove that I used previously. It saves my family money on charcoal and I would not want to change back to using the old stove that I once used.”

Read the full profile on: Uganda Efficient Stoves