“Some 3 billion people still rely on traditional biomass fuels and coal which results in 2 million deaths every year because of indoor air pollution. Number of deaths caused due to smoke from burning coal and biomass fuels are twice (those) caused by malaria worldwide.”, said, UN Secretary General Ban-Ki-Moon at the Fourth World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi.
He pointed out that there are about 1.6 billion people in the developing world who lack any source of electricity and about 3 billion who use backwards methods for cooking.
He urged the future energy leaders to create a world which has a sustainable future and people are passionate about the environment. He said, “People who recognize that our air, water and land are our most precious assets, people who understand the central role of clean energy in mitigating climate change and powering green economic growth; in defeating poverty and empowering women; in improving global health and achieving the Millennium Development Goals are required.”
He said that it was possible to achieve the goal on energy demand. All it needed was focus and sustained political commitment. With new models and incentives, it is possible to provide health, educational and social benefits through modern energy sources to all sections of the society.