Smokeless cookstoves have been installed in all 500 households of Nandal Village in Satara district by Samuchit Enviro Tech. The Bharatlaxmi stoves have slashed fuel consumption and smoke emissions by 30% and 80% respectively as compared to traditional stoves says Samuchit Enviro Tech.
In Nandal Village, Cummins Diesel Foundation provided financial assistance while technical know how was provided by Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI). The stoves have been supplied by Samuchit Enviro Tech Pvt Ltd.
Each family has contributed just about Rs 100 (approx USD 2.5) worth of materials for stove installation. The total cost for installing each Bharatlaxmi Stove was not more than INR 700 (approx USD 15). The project, says Samuchit, will go on to create more smoke free homes in the vicinity, with installation of 500 more stoves in nearby villages.
Women folk of the village say there is no smoke in the house after the installation of the chulha. In the words of one of the ladies using the stove - ‘Since I got this chulha, there is no smoke in the house. With my previous traditional chulha, I can’t even describe how much my eyes used to water. Now I need only a handful of fuel sticks and the cooking is finished so fast! Earlier even if I cleaned the house every other day, in a short while again it looked dirty. Now I don’t have to clean for 4-5 days, still it is fine.’
Mr R D Hanbar Deshmukh, Vice President, ARTI feels , “A cookstove touches the life of the rural woman, and an improved cook stove that eases some of her hardships is greatly appreciated.” Therefore, the fact that the stove donors ensured provision of stoves in the rural kitchen has touched the hearts of the villagers.
The stove has passed rigorous testing carried out by Cummins India team using six sigma principles, said Dr. Priyadarshini Karve, Project Co-ordinator, ARTI & Director, Samuchit Enviro Tech Pvt Ltd.
Photo Courtesy: Samuchit Enviro Tech Pvt Ltd
Read the full story on: Bharatlaxmi Stoves Save Lives in Village Nandal