Grameen Shakti has set a target of constructing 10 lakh (one million) improved cook stoves by 2012, reports the Dhaka Daily Star. In addition it plans to double solar home system (SHS) sales in 2010 and establish more biogas plants and improved cook stoves to expand green and sustainable energy.
Along with focusing on expanding the sales of improved cook stoves, the organisation will increase more biogas plants -- a jump by almost four times -- from over 4,000 units in 2009 to 16,000 this year. It aims to sell 2,20,000 solar home systems in 2010. The 'not-for-profit' company said it sold 1.13 lakh solar home systems in 2009, according to the Daily Star.
Established in 1996 to provide green energy solutions to rural areas with no electricity, GS has so far installed over 3,60,000 PV (photovoltaic) SHSs, benefiting around 3 million. As per installation, the power generation capacity of these SHS is 17.5 MW.
Network expansion by Grameen Shakti and offers to sell SHSs both on credit and cash also helped lure buyers to green energy technologies in the rural areas, says the Newspaper.
In a bid to promote sustainable energy technology, the organisation now makes a mark in making improved cooking stoves, which are believed to cut fuel wood consumption by up to 50 percent than traditional stoves.
According to Grameen Shakti, improved cooking stoves help households reduce firewood consumption from 20 kilograms to 40 kilograms, saving between Tk 250 to Tk 500 a month.