Roemer on Thursday checked out a new range of stoves, that emit less smoke than traditional chulhas.
Interacting with a group of women, Roemer saw the ingredients that went into preparation of an Indian curry while enquiring about their experiences with stove, developed by Envirofit, which launched a range of clean burning biomass cook stoves across India in 2008.
Lauding the energy efficient technology used in the stove, he said such technology was good for business and health. India could provide leadership in such emerging technology as it did in IT technology field. "The new technology is safe for children, women and affordable," he said.
Lauding the energy efficient technology used in the stove, he said such technology was good for business and health. India could provide leadership in such emerging technology as it did in IT technology field. "The new technology is safe for children, women and affordable," he said.
Designed by an international team of globally recognised scientists and engineers, the stoves reduces toxic emissions by nearly 80 per cent while using 50 per cent less fuel and reducing cooking cycle time by 40 per cent when compared to traditional chulhas.